Wash Wars

by Monkey Sleeve Studios



During high school you washed cars as a side job. You worked very hard and always made sure to put in the little extras. Since you were so focused on making it perfect, you always end up completely soaked. During summer, this is not a problem, but during winter it can be very, very cold.One day, you manage to remain dry for the entire day without doing even a little bit less of a perfect job. You are so proud! But then the school bully shows up to throw water balloons at you and you end up soaked anyways… With a deep sigh you turn around and start to wash the last car of the day when something catches your eye. The water balloons that hit the car actually cleaned it!You quickly finish the car and run home. There, you tell your parents about your idea, washing cars with water balloons, what a fun way to do it! But instead of joining you in the excitement, they start laughing at you. That can’t work! What a dumb idea! Only your grandfather seems interested. He takes you to the side and tells you that he has a parking lot that you can use to try your idea.Can you prove your family wrong and make this new car wash a success?Experience the feeling of a true entrepreneur in this unique tower defense game. Hire employees and pay their salary, throw water balloons, pay for advertisements and make sure your reputation does not drop.